Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Health and Wellness The Natural Way thru Exercise 60 more or less to eskrida

                  THE NATURAL WAY
           Exercise 60 more or less                  
Ø For people without time to exercise
Ø For those who work and work
Ø For them who sit and sit 
Ø For them  who get up late or  love to stay in bed
This is for you! Plus Eskrida a form of  passive defense.

Dr. Silvano B. Maranga

       I am a senior citizen and turned 61 years old last February 2013. Like most senior citizens, I use my identification card to get discounts on purchases of anything that the card can be of use including travel tickets.
       Each time I give my card to the sales person I usually hear, “Sir, you do not look like a senior citizen”. To which I always reply in jest, that this is the advantage of a guy with a height of 5 feet and 2 inches. Small people grow old slowly.
      The statements do not come as a surprise for me. Though I am not taking medicines nor use hair dye to blacken my head, I feel I am a little bit better than others of my age.
      I read without glasses, use the computer to write this book. I am also setting up blogspots or simple websites to document many of my activities.
      I attribute my physical fitness as a result of a practice of Tetada ( kalimasada) Indonesia Jurus of Grandmaster Engr Pak Eddy Surohadi and Dra Ibu Ida Surohadi, the exercise routine of Eskrima of Supreme Grandmaster Atty Dionesio Caňete and the various breathing techniques of yoga and karate forms for which the I greatfully acknowledge.
     These serve as the foundation of Exercise 60 more or less and in writing this book. I also appreciate the encouragement of Dr. Francisco P. de la Peña, Jr. for finding ways to develop healthy food through organic - natural farming and develop healthy eating habits.
     As a Pelatih Nacional of Tetada kalimasada Indonesia, it is important for me to continuously practice the art. However, as I regularly travel back and forth to Davao, Cebu and  other places, the opportunity to practice and teach others of the art is limited.
A year ago, sometime in April 2012, during the height of the drafting of Organic Agriculture Production NC II for Technical Education and Skills Development Authority TESDA and Agricultural Training Institute ATI, I was glued to my computer and seldom find time to go out and exercise.
This resulted in pain with my tendons and difficulty in movements due to pain in the right knee. That could have been triggered by my attempt to perform some kicking techniques as an attempt to make a quick exercise, forgetting that I was already an old man. I suffered the condition for almost a month. That condition led me to review my stock knowledge and skills on anything about the body mechanism. It dawned on me to restructure the movements of martial arts and redefine the intent. It has led me to the discovery of Exercise 60 more or less.
       I got healed. There were no medications involved as I made use of my condition as the control factor in finding a solution to my problem. I preferred the natural way of healing myself.
My condition improved in less than 3 months. I can now perform the 12 steps of Exercise 60 more or less on one foot standing position.
      My friend Mr. Vianney D. Garol, General Manager of ACES, is surprised by the way I have improved my health and fitness. He and Dr Francisco P. de la Peña, Jr. encouraged me to write a book for the trainees and graduates of the ACES Natural Farming Technology. The participants – graduates of the course includes officers from Government and Non-government organizations from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
       The forms as explained in this book are based on actual forms and experience of the author. The movements are slow and focused on the stretch. The standing position is similar to a martial art but the intent is different. While martial art focuses on destroying or stopping an enemy, Exercise 60 more or less, is about fighting the enemies within, old age, atrophies, and pain.
Breathing techniques are important in Exercise 60 more or less. It is the core of this exercise. And three major breathing techniques are given high importance.
     The progressive tensing is an exercise form by itself and the reader is encouraged to do the breathing and progressive tensing in conjunction with each other.
     The lying, sitting and standing positions have forms which are considered a little bit difficult to perform. However, through constant movements of 3 months  more or less, the special forms indicated will become easy to perform.The patterns of exercise can be completed in about 10 minutes. However, due to the ease  by which the forms can be executed, a learner usually stays for 15 to 25 minutes.
       While I am writing and editing my work, I am also exercising. With this book, I intend to teach more people to remain healthy and well through natural means. As a matter of sharing I took it upon myself to model the forms as part of the illustrations in this book. More pictures are available in the blogspot post.
     It is important to note that a healthy person need not have abs and body forms similar to an athletic body build or a beauty queen form. Exercise 60 more or less, limits itself to encourage a person to think of health as the general condition of internal organs and extremities. And wellness is its over-all capacity to perform normal chores and activities as any fit individual can.

Dr. Silvano B, Maranga

to my wife nene, children, mother vicing, brothers, sister      

 grandchildren, nephews,   relatives  and friends


     This book is written generally for people of my age group more or less. It is with the intent that that the knowledge and skills I acquired and learned through training and self study be shared and be able to help in the journey towards better health and wellness.
    It is with this reason that the prints are done in large font for easier reading. The size of the book which is the size of a short bond paper is intended to place the book in a farther distance than if written in smaller fonts.
    The exercise forms are divided into three major components, the lying down form, sitting and standing forms. Each component is described in few words together with the pictures illustrating the form. As a further support to the readers, a video presentation is presented in the blogspot dedicated on health and wellness, www.himsugpinoy.blogspot.com
    The author is also available and may be invited to perform through an online video program for the participants. It is important to note that the techniques on progressive tensing could be understood fully with regular correct practice.

Registration number A-2013-00184


       Life is fun and healthy people enjoy life to the fullest.

       At the early stages of human life, fullness in human activity involves sports, dancing, running, loving, mountain trekking,  long work schedules, gathering riches  among many others.

       People start to realize certain excesses of work and play when the body starts to complain through minor pains.

       Pain in itself is part of the growth of the human mechanism.  Pain has range from simple and easy to deal with to complex and debilitating pain. The muscles, lungs, heart, legs easily heal in the younger stages of life.

    The metabolism starts to slow down at 40 more or less and pain due to injury or over exertion heals slower than during younger times. The knees become weaker and painful and muscles ache while lifting heavier load. Body strength starts to decline.

   The mind is now conditioned that the person no longer has the energy to exercise and move the muscles.  It becomes easier to sit down, work in front of the computer, report to work in a car, take the elevator on the way to work.

    Upon returning home from work, a quick meal is taken, then sit in a couch and watch tv then sleep. This is a life routine that  many people practice. Parts of the body are  less and less moved and stretched. Life changes fast. The things that were easily done during younger days are becoming more difficult to perform.
    Life becomes harder as time goes by. It is a continuous struggle to keep the body healthy and strong. A fight to keep the muscles, bones, tendons and nerves in good shape for the body to respond to the command of the brain. It is said that human life is in constant fight to remain healthy and strong.

      It is a constant  challenge to defend itself from the ravages of time. Keeping the human mechanism in maximum order and performance is the goal of Exercise 60 more or less.

    It is said that we can be biologically healthier or younger by 10 years or more than our calendar age. This can be done through medications, proper choices of healthy food and healthy life style. This book focuses on the use of healthy exercise as its contribution to the development of healthy person and society.

   The exercise forms are intended to stretch, make the muscles and tendons flexible and strong. The exercise forms are intended as an exercise for people who have more sedentary time at office work, senior citizens whose interest is to be able to move a little faster or as fast as they were a few years back.

    It is a great challenge for a person to burn fats as metabolism slows down.  This exercise will prepare the body to perform more activities and burn fat the natural way.

   This is an exercise form for people from 60 years old or beyond. This is for people who do not have time for healthy exercise.  Or people in their prime but  tied down to office work. And for those that have time to exercise and physically capable can proceed to Eskrida Indo-Phil.

   Exercise 60 more or less can be done before going to bed, upon waking up, walking, sitting in front of your desk, standing and sometimes using a stick or any object such as cell phone, tv controller, plastic water bottle, other objects or with no object at all.

Exercise 60 more or less can also be practiced as Eskrida Indo-Phil the standing form. Its essence is strengthening through stretching, body and mind coordination, with the intent to fight the enemy within oneself such as muscle deterioration and locking of joints.

Exercise 60 more or less can do more as you go into the practice.
As this is a combination of many forms, a student in Eskrida Indo-Phil can either start in Eskrima and add Tetada Kalimasada Indonesia as a limbering exercise or start at Tetada Indonesia and add martial arts in stick form to augment the physical flexibility and strength.

Or a student in Exercise 60 more or less remain in the lying and sitting forms as its shield and maintenance of muscles and bone joints for stronger and healthier you.

Have fun and learn to keep the human mechanism going in tip top condition.

I.            INTRODUCTION
a.   Philosophy of Exercise 60 more or less
b.   Why Exercise 60 more or less was developed
II.         The two components of Exercise 60 more or less
a.   Physical and mental components
b.   How does Exercise 60 more or less evolve into Eskrida Indo-Phil
III.      Exercise in lying down form
a.   Progressive energization and tensing method
                                        i.    Tensing and relaxing the body parts
1.  Lower-central-upper tensing
2.  Upper-central-lower relaxation
b.   Building energy and strength
                                        i.    Dynamic exercise
                                      ii.    Static exercise
c.   Relaxation and breathing techniques
                                        i.    1-4-2 breathing cycle
                                      ii.    Triangular breathing cycle
                                   iii.    Tensing and relaxing the body parts
1.  Lower-central-upper body tensing
2.  Upper-central-lower body relaxation
d.  Facing up movements
e.   Side movements
f.    The circle and stick combination
IV.        Exercise in sitting position
a.   Focusing of eyesight
                                        i.    Circle and square focus
                                      ii.    Central and peripheral visioning
                                   iii.    Left and right directions
b.   Breathing and  progressive tensing
                                        i.    1-4-2 breathing cycle also known as the healing breath of yoga
                                      ii.    Triangular diaphragmatic breathing cycle
                                   iii.    Progressive Tensing and relaxing the body parts
1.  Lower-central-upper tensing
2.  Upper-central-lower relaxation
c.   Feet stretch and rotation
                                        i.    Stretching
                                      ii.    Pulling
                                   iii.    Rotation
1.  Clockwise and counter clock wise
2.  Reverse movements
d.  Leg lift and stretch
                                        i.    Right leg
                                      ii.    Left leg
                                   iii.    Both legs
e.   Tenso with stick form
                                        i.    This is a modified form of tenso based on the book of  Masutatsu Oyama   “This is Karate”
                                      ii.    The stick form is based on the book of Supreme Grandmaster Atty Dionesio Caňete, “ Filipino Martial Art”
                                   iii.    Holding the breath in diaphragmatic breathing  and constricting the anus is an important technique of Tetada Indonesia of Grandmaster Engr. Ir. Eddy Surohadi and International Trainer Dra. Ibu Ida Surohadi
f.    The training sound
                                        i.    Heart beat indicating life, caring,  loving vibration is utilized in this exercise
                                      ii.    Hissing sound of flowing energy

V.           Exercise in standing position
a.   Feet positions
                                        i.    Parallel movement
                                      ii.    Diagonal movement
                                   iii.    90 degree feet position and movement
                                    iv.    180 degree feet position of the TETADA Indonesia Jurus, the kuda kuda.
b.   Left and right foot balance
                                        i.    Lift and stretch form
                                      ii.    The Tetada Indonesia Jurus sound and timing
c.   Eskrida Indo-Phil
                                        i.    Relationship to jurus dasar satu of Tetada Indonesia
                                      ii.    Relationship to the 12 strikes of Doce Pares stick fighting form and the Maranga Tres Personas martial art form
VI.         Competitions
a.   Balance and breathing methods
b.   Muscular coordination
c.   Stick and speed
VII.    Healing Massages
a.   Circular- 8 form movement with stick
b.   Counter clockwise form

VIII.    Acknowledgements


Life is an intermingling of knowledge, skills, forms, words, sounds and sights. Hundred thousands of forms are created through linkages and connections of many components of life itself. These become part of a growth of a new concept, an individual, family, community and organizations.

Words, sounds and movements from many forms and individuals are interwoven to create a holistic Exercise 60 more or less to Eskrida Indo-Phil. The combination of movements results in fluidity of motion in consonance of the sound and mental flow creating a focused action leading to a healthy body movement.

The hissing sound and the heart beats are intended to make the practitioner aware of the long exhalation and the signal to inhale and hold the breath for a number of heart beats. 

It is a combination of the movements of Karate including tenso, Eskrima, Tetada (Kalimasada) Indonesia, Yoga,  Progressive tensing, breathing techniques, stretching of a cat, turtle walk,  frog jump, crane stance, with the intent of facilitating body movements and  balance for people who do not have time to exercise.

There are people who are glued in front of the computer or their office work or watching television for more hours than the body can remain healthy. Long hours sitting or lying can cause atrophy to certain parts of the body.  

These people do not have time to go to the gym and even stand up to stretch their body. Exercise 60 more or less to Eskrida Indo-Phil is for them.

There are many benefits that have been found in the practice of Exercise 60 more or less to Eskrida Indo -Phil. Concentration and muscular coordination, alertness, strengthening the knees, stretching and twisting the spine, tightening the abdominal muscle, flexible wrist, strong forearm and shoulders, cardio is attained right after waking up.

In conventional practice, people plan or schedule an exercise routine which involves at least 10 minutes a day. There are those who believe that a 10- minute exercise may not be enough to develop a healthy body.

Conventional exercises involve longer hours or difficult to perform movements or utilize expensive equipment. In these conventional forms of exercises, it is important to provide special time or space to perform and done preferably with companions.

Exercise 60 more or less is practiced by an individual in any situation, anytime and so limited in movements that even your seat mate in a class, in a plane or a work desk would not know you are already exercising.

Exercise 60 more or less has a multiple entry and exit format. This means that a person can start at any time in any form and stop whenever the student feels it is time to stop. What is important is for one to be aware of the muscles and nerves in the body and how the tingling sensations are related to bio-electricity.

This unique exercise focuses on the slow stretch. When a minor pain is felt, reduce the stretching action. This means that a student of the exercise 60 more of less should not push towards the limits of human endurance or pain.

Each movement must be savored and enjoyed. If there are internal clicking sounds in the joints while the movement is performed and the student feels it is natural to feel such discomfort and far below the threshold of pain, then the founder of Exercise 60 more or less allows it. Remember that this is about good health, no pressure and stress free exercise.

Exercise 60 more or less has 12 forms and may be done in 5  repetitions in the beginner’s level.

This exercise is posted in the web with the intent of encouraging health and wellness conscious individuals to do multi-tasking, do brain related tasks and perform kinesthetic movement while doing breathing exercises.

This means that exercising while eating a healthy meal or while working in your computer or doing other things is its main intent. Multi-tasking in Exercise 60 more or less is its key method with good results for mental alertness, strong legs, sense of balance. 

As a way to facilitate recall of the steps of this exercise, a sequence of interrelated steps are shown and discussed.


        As a senior citizen, it has come as part of ageing that energy for exercise becomes lesser with time. I started to feel the slow decline when I reached 50 years old.

        During my younger days, karate was the in thing. Then the Bruce Lee phenomena came followed by Jackie Chan and Wang Yu and Jet Lee martial arts became the model for self defense and sports.

        Like many youths  at that time, we love to spar, kick and punch. Sometimes do stone breaking and other tests of strength and prowess. It was also important to learn stick fighting, judo and aikido as these arts contribute to the methods of self-defense.

And like anyone else into the practice, we get bruises and sometimes dislocated bones in the legs and arms. Healing was quick. A concoction of three kinds of ointments can easily do the trick to remove pain and accelerate healing.

The cells are quickly replaced with new cells and the body becomes stronger. Higher kicks and jumps are a result of a constant practice and muscle pains are considered a good sign that one has practiced enough.

        Time flies. Then I noticed that a minor hit in arms and legs take longer time to heal. The production of new cells inside my body is becoming slower.

        Metabolism has slowed down the body movements and more time is allotted to sitting and working in the computer. The knees start to squeak and click but it is difficult follow the old practice routines.

Walking would be good exercise but it takes time and a good area to walk, free from bad elements and dust from vehicles. Choosing a good walking area is difficult. Then sometime in  January 2010, I forgot that I am an old man already.

        I can remember the karate forms and the jumping turns and kicks clearly in my mind. I performed two or three of the sports forms and my right knee was hurt. Progressively, it became more painful and more difficult to walk. With that condition I became a more like a disabled senior citizen. I was limping in pain and used a walking stick as I move from one location to the other.

        I believe in natural healing and choose organically produced food whenever available. It is not natural for me to take drugs immediately as a cure. For the next 6 months or so, I have difficulty in standing and even in going to the comfort room.

These conditions encouraged  me to gather all knowledge and skills  for me to develop Exercise 60 more or less. And I solved my physical disability.

        Exercise 60 more or less can be beneficial even to a teenager or to old persons.

        I am sharing this as a reminder that we can grow old in dignity with strong body, quick mind and strong in spirit.


        Physical and mental components

It is my belief that as a person matures, the concept of physical self is buoyed by the mental self. With the two together, the spiritual self becomes more visible.

In writing this book I made a decision to focus on the physical and the mental exercises that is needed in Exercise 60 more or less then Eskrida Indo-Phil. It is my contention that the spiritual component, though it is present in all human activities and actions need not be incorporated in this book in detail.

 I believe that whoever reaches a certain age in life has already acquired enough knowledge and experiences on religious faith, beliefs and practices which are spiritual in nature and can be applied in Exercise 60 more or less.


Exercise 60 more or less is so effective in rebuilding flexibility and strength of muscles and keeping the knee and wrist joints move smoothly. The exercise forms move from bottom to top and has an immediate effect on the muscles and nerves.

The progressive tensing by itself is unique as it combines the movements from the foot up to the head. Within a few months into the practice, I noticed I can now balance my body in one leg with stretching movements on four angles.

I tried to follow the tetada jurus beat and it became a natural pattern embedded in the jurus.     The hand movements  of the lying down form is applied into the standing movements. The breathing techniques follow the methods and the tetada Indonesia stick form. This became the eskrida indo-phil.



Preparatory stage and some key procedures
1.  Tightening and relaxing all muscles of the body is an important component of EXERCISE 60 more or less

2.  Tightening muscles also affects nerves and blood circulation. Tensioning in steady state creates a vibratory effect on the body, a form described in the practice of YOGA .

3.  Breathing through the nose slowly or slow inhalation and exhalation and holding breath are elements of Exercise 60 more or less a TETADA Indonesia technique

4.  Scraping the skin at certain parts of the body affects internal organs

5.  Stretching is a key factor in correctly executing an exercise form rather than quick or jerky motions

6.  Joints located in the toes, ankles, knees, hips, vertebrae,  shoulders, arms, wrists and fingers are main nerve nodes and need to be moved in circular or twisting motion

7.  Stick forms and movements are standard eskrima or stick fighting forms and adopted from the Filipino Martial Arts


FORM 1-             TIP-TOE STRETCH
1.  This is best performed while lying down but can also be done while sitting on a chair or standing up
2.  When executed while lying down, make sure the feet and arms are fully extended, biceps touching the ears and the back side of the hand touches the bed, stretch the spinal column
3.  Perform while holding your breath
4.  Recommended repetitions – 12  in 3 sets for beginners

FORM 2 –           TOE AND HEAD LINK
1.  While lying down, point the toes to the forehead as the head is raised and both palms slide on the bed 
2.  And as the first 3 sets is completed, perform static and dynamic tension of the biceps and triceps while clasping your palms together as the head is raised
3.  Feel the stretch of muscles at the calf and Achilles tendon and the tensing of the front neck muscles
4.  Recommended repetitions – 12  in 3 sets for beginners

1.        Join the left and right toes while the ankle are kept in place on the bed or floor
2.        Place hand on the side of each thigh. Move the feet as a fan pointing on opposite directions at each count while the fingers point to the direction of the feet

1.  This is a way to separate the mental control of the finger from the movement of the feet.
2.  Practice this form while sitting or lying on the bed and get a maximum stretch

1.        Turn your feet clockwise or drawing a circle with your toes using the ankle as pivot.
2.        Point your forefinger on your toes and rotate forming a circle clockwise
3.        At  the 12th rotation with the toes and finger on the same clockwise direction, start rotating the finger counterclockwise while the toes continue for another 12 rotations or less

1.        Lift knees towards the chest while keeping the feet in straight line with the legs. For a start, left legs alternately then left both legs at the same time as more flexibility and strength is attained.
2.        After lifting the legs, straighten the whole leg from the thigh to the heels while pointing the toes towards the head or perpendicular to the shin.

1.        This form requires concentration and imagination.
2.        It involves pulling an imaginary rope from the front and tying it at a post located at arm’s length behind your back while lying on the left side.
3.        The front feet movement points the toes while the backward points the heels.
4.        Feel the easy twisting action of your spinal column, ankles and heel bones
5.        Perform in left and right modes

1.  This exercise form involves two separate movements of the legs and the arms.
2.  The left and right legs alternately perform the 4 point lift and stretch. This is easier to perform while lying down or sitting on a chair. A little bit difficult to perform while standing as it is a challenge to perform while balancing on one leg
3.  While the right leg starts the 12 counts, alternately at 4 count interval with the left leg, the right hand.
4.   Long inhalation, holding the breath and long exhalation as a triangular breathing method is recommended for this form.
5.  While the right leg starts the 12 counts, alternately at 4 count interval with the left leg, the right hand, holding a stick or an imaginary stick, moves to the left of the body and the left hand performs the right tenso block and thrusts in stretch and slow motion.
6.  Both legs and arms finish the exercise form at the 12th count.

1.  This involves a combination of circular movements of the hands and stick. Keep the palm of the hands within 2- inch distance from the stick and move from the handle to the tip of the stick.
2.  Intent to flow the energy ( ki or prana) along the stick and as the foot is moved from point 1 to 12 feel the heart beat. Follow the hissing or sss sound as the stick s moved from the right hand to the left.
3.   Start with the right hand movement together with the right foot

1.  Hold a stick or a rolled paper at the center.
2.  Focus your eyesight to the tip of the stick then move the tip to form a circular motion for 12 clockwise rotations then counter clockwise
3.  After completing the circular motion, move the point of the stick into the 8 form them reverse after completing 12 repetitions
4.  Do this in both hands

1.  The waking up stretch is a modified yawn and stretch. It is purposive and focused. Roll your body to a prone position and raise the upper torso by straightening the arms while keeping the legs and feet flat on the bed. This is called Cat stretch. Hold the form for 12 heart beats
2.  Then slowly drop the upper torso to the floor and form a plank where both forearms are placed on the floor/bed with the both palms facing upward or in front of your face as a mirror.
3.  Move the feet in a tip toe position to keep the body in a wooden plank position. Hold the position for 12 heartbeats
4.  Do 3 cycles. At the end of the 3 cycles put hands down the floor and if your body can do it make the push  up form

1.  In this stage, let the legs be straight and the arm fully stretched. The distance between the hands and the feet is about two shoulder widths.
2.  Start the foot movement with the right foot which is stretched back one step followed by the left. Then the right foot is moved back to the original position followed by the left leg. The right foot is moved to the right at shoulder width followed by the left foot to the left.  At this juncture, the body is in push up form with the legs spread about at shoulder width apart
3.  Return the right foot its original position followed by the left. Move both hands to the knees, stand up and reach up with your hands. The whole cycle involves 12 heartbeats.

1.  Start. Relax. Exhale and inhale slowly through the nose or count 12 heartbeats or less for the inhalation and exhalation process.
2.  Make two breathing cycles and tense from the toes to the tip of the head
3.  Tense the toes and slowly move the tensing of the muscles of the ankles, knees, thighs, buttocks, anus, abdominals, back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, hands, fingers, neck , jaws, face the head. At this point, hold breath and count to 12 heartbeats or less and feel your body vibrate.   
4.  At the 12th heartbeat, relax the muscles from the head down to the toes in 12 heartbeats. Feel the muscles in all parts of your body as the tension is relaxed.
5.  This energization and relaxation method is an exercise by itself and this can be already be sufficient, if time would not allow a person to do a complete routine of Exercise 60 more or less. This is the higher form of the progressive tensing.

1.  This form is focused on balance
2.  Start with the left leg making the movements of  tenso in stick right
3.  Follow-up with the tenso on the left

1.  The form is a  combination of TETADA Indonesia Jurus with the Eskima stick form
2.  For easy reference this form is called ESKRIDA coined from the two words of Eskrima the Filipino Martial Art of Supreme Grandmaster Atty Dionisio Cañete and TETADA Kalimasada Indonesia of the founder and Grandmaster Engr. Eddy Surohadi and International Trainer Dr. Ibu Ida Surohadi
3.  The Eskrida was first shown in public in July 23, 2011  at SM Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines during the World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation (WEKAF) Convention

        This stick form is best understood in visual presentation rather than description in written form. The form was first shown performed by the author during the World Eskrima Kali  Arnis Federation conference in Cebu City  on July 2010. And can viewed at www.youtube.com search for “tetada Indonesia”
This Eskrida Indo Phil was developed as a gesture of gratitude to the great leaders of the martial art and healing exercise forms, Atty. Dionisio Caňete and Engr. Ir Eddy Surohadi with Dra. Ibu Ida Surohadi. These persons provided the inspiration to create a combination of both practices. 

Eskrida Indo Phil is designed with the intent of enhancing the eskrima preparatory limbering exercises and develop more mental focus and creating a variety of movement of the Tetada Indonesia for those interested in the Filipino martial art.
Life forms, such as the butterfly, birds, reptile, cats and all others undergo transformation from the moment of conception, birth to adulthood. A butterfly starts as an egg, then transforms into a caterpillar, pupa, then born again as a butterfly. Other life forms start as an egg inside the mother’s womb then when born take time to develop until its full maturity.

Eskrida Indo-Phil started as Exercise 60 more or less, over time and  continuous practice, the form can evolve into an upright position. It has transformed itself to Escrida Indo-Phil. There are similarities in the movement of Eskrida Indo-Phil but different in intent with conventional martial arts which are focused in fighting external opponents.

Escrida Indo-Phil is focused on defeating enemies within and recharging bio-batteries. Eskrida Indo-Phil creates a mental flow through the form itself and becomes a healthy martial art form.

However, for those interested in physical self-defense, the forms can easily be converted into a physical self-defense tactic as the movements in Eskrida Indo-Phil can be used to block, divert a force that may harm the student of the healthy art. It is however recommended that when the student proceeds to like the stick fighting form, the author suggests to continue the path of study to the Filipino Martial Art under the tutelage of Supreme Grandmaster Atty Dionesio Cañete. Or proceed to learn more about the practice of Tetada Indonesia of Grandmaster  Eddy Surohadi and International Trainner Dr. Ibu Ida Surohadi. Both are excellent trainers and honorable persons.

The foot movements have direct massaging and healing action on the knees, legs and spine similar to a healing touch of a chiropractic healer. 
  “Chiropractic arts is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health” as defined in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The main chiropractic practice involves manual therapy, including manipulation of the spine, other joints and soft tissues, treatment also includes exercises.

Many ancient and modern cultures apply chiropractic methods as a healing massage or “pinoy hilot” a training course of TESDA.

In exercise 60 more or less, chiropractic art is incorporated in the movements as a method of limbering the joints at any time of the day in any situation.

The foot positions and movements of Eskrida indo-phil is focused on massaging the knees and ensuring that the tendons are moved and stretched based on the ability and capacity of the practitioner.

Starting at parallel foot position, Eskrida then moves to 90 degree bending of knees and opening the foot to 180 degress or along a straight line. By slowly lifting the body up through straightening the legs, the knees are given a slight twist with a healing chiropractic form.

The form also includes rotating the foot alternately clockwise while pointing the forefinger and following the motion of the foot. This is described as an important motor coordination technique.

The combined knowledge and skills of exercise 60 more or less and  eskrida indo-phil are the foundations of the philosophy and practice of the ancient art of passive self-defense.


Dear Reader,
Thank you for finding time to read this post. There are still many items that need to be included in this article. I intend to look for ways to simplify further the process and include drawings, pictures and videos.

I also understand that more written description of a movement will make the learning process more complicated rather than simplify it.

It is for this matter that I invite you to contact me for details through email or plain text from a cell phone. My email address, sbmaranga@gmail.com and cell phone number s,  sun cell +639228195200 ; smart +639399025484; globe +639177111102:

May we grow in healthy maturity with dignified fitness and well enough to perform activities which we love to do when we were ten years younger.

My warmest personal regards,

Very truly yours,
Dr. Silvano B. Maranga

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