Saturday, September 3, 2011


This is a Certificate of Training  issued to participants of the Natural Farming Technology Course level 1 for those who have completed the requirements of the course.

This Certificate is signed by the President and CEO of ACES Polytechnic College Dr. Francisco de la Peña, Jr., Mr. Vianney D. Garol, ACE FS General Manager, and the Project Director Dr. Silvano B. Maranga.

Dr. Francisco de la Peña, Jr. conducting a session on making the 3'Cs, which produces a fermented organic juice with healing capability. This is an important addition to the training program as this has improved the health of many of the participants to the ACES Natural Farming Course


The Board of Trustees of ACES Polytechnic College fully support the ACES Natural Farming Technology Project. Madame Violeta  de la Peña, ACES Vice President is also a Natural Farming enthusiast.

Participants preparing the materials for  making of the various concoctions to be used as organic and natural growth enhancers, immune system boosters and amino protein drink supplement.

Discussion on the utilization of the concoctions to enhance the farming technologies using natural food and materials.

Dr. Wilfredo Tiu of TESDA joined the training . This picture shows the preparation process of material for the hog pens sprayed with beneficial micro-organisms and mixed with other important mixtures

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